Friday, October 24, 2008

The Royal WEfnuk: Week VII

Not much to say about this one - we came out against Schrute Hucks (Keith and Joanna's team, featuring Jim) a little iffy; they were up 3-2 at one point. Just some sloppy play and some unaccustomed-to-their-hustle action from us. We cranked a few turnovers just a few feet from their endzone. D'oh. But we pulled it together soon enough, stretched it out to 8-5, then doubled them up 12-6 and traded more or less to the 15-8 win. Good games from the entire Purple Squad - fun to have Genevieve and Josiah back, and everyone contributed big time to this victory. Quick game with few turnovers and few calls; we started at 8:20 or thereabouts and were done well before 9:30. Good times.

I set a conscious goal to not turn it over tonight and pulled it off. 6/4/0/1 was the count for the evening - I anchored us pretty decently in the first half and pushed through the second as well. No wind, and I felt quite buttery tonight. I did drop a Cally goal, though, meaning that I got the D but couldn't quite hang on to the disc. Ah, well. 40 / 21 / 12 / 15 / 1 on the season for 67 fantasy points in 7 games, or 9.57 fppg.

Pretty ho-hum - we certainly didn't play our best, but our mediocre ran through them pretty handily. Justin and I played pretty stellar games; we are starting to click, and throw in some D from everyone and some solid handling from other folks, and we've got a good little operation going. Important to remember how vulnerable we are to a bad night, though. Tune in next week.

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