Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Style of Golf Course

Why So Serious?: A New Yorker History of the Classical Concert
So there's this game Spore (via MetaFilter) - and even though it has launched the awful concept of "Sporn" - I'll let you google that one yourself -it is being used to teach evolution in some biology class circles. So... yeah.
Two interesting and foul-mouthed comics: If You See Something and Alien Loves Predator
30 Large Hadron Collider pics
Twin Peaks is now available online. For free.
An Explanation of Bayesian Reasoning (Really good tutorial if you've ever heard me rant about how certain medical tests are actually detrimental to public health)
Lego Album Covers (Primarily Beatles)
The Guinea Pig Olympics
If you insist on being political, at least support your local left-field instrumentalist:

Even though los osos pequeños are seemingly on their way out - again - let's not forget the good times.
And in more somber news... THIS is a commencement speech. (And yes, the musing is still en route).
Cool video of a real live Nautilus

Warning: The following video contains a bit of topless sunbather nudity, but it ALSO contains all three minutes of french kangaroo ska you need to see in your life. Seriously, check this, it will reset you (even if it is a little but, um, jackassish):

I continue to foist Dinosaur Comics upon you!
Watch this video:

And now check this link.
A real "art" video (thanks Christastrophe)
Are Mark Reynolds' strike-outs an issue? (Great little sabermetric article)
Quincy ain't no punk (thanks again Chris? - can't remember where I got this one) (but really, check it; exquisite painful awesomeness)
Andy Summers of The Police discusses his effects (ah, yes, but do they...

Dr. Strangelove Dr. Strangelove
Best Science Images of 2008
Mugshot of the Year!!!
And finally, Bill Simmons somehow claims that none of this was Manny's fault.

That's it for the links... but since Manny et al are about to send the Northsiders packing, I would like to point out that this is not Manny's fault, either. Back in 2003, with the Cubs up in Game 6 and within 6 outs of the World Series, my friend Ian called me. "Can you believe it?" he asked. "Thanks for jinxing it," I replied. Someone did the Bartman, and after another horrible game 7, the curse of the phone call was complete. The Cubs were not headed to the world series, not fulfilling a million dreams, once again.

So flash forward to 2008... I check my messages last Wednesday, and I hear, "Nyet, we were just excited to call and tell you the Cubs are winn... oh, wait. Wait. L.A. just hit a grand slam. And now the Cubs are... losing. Oh, no. Oh no."

PEOPLE: Do NOT call me while the Cubs are in the playoffs. Don't call me to check how I'm doing, to confirm when we are having that important meeting, to ask whether our kidneys could be a match, AND ESPECIALLY to say "hey, the Cubs are winning." This ALWAYS ends badly.

And it just ended badly- Broxton just K'd Alfie to complete the series sweep. So the media may blame Alfonso Soriano or Lou Piniella or whomever, but I know who's really to blame. And it's not Sue (though she did make the costumes). It's the iPMM. This one's on her.

The Cubs will shine in 2109,

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