Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Royal WEfnuk: Week VI

Quick recap here: we played our second of three crossover games last night, this one against Flow Rida (Chris's team) and actually occurring on Tuesday. Flow Rida has had a rough go of it thus far; they came in 0-5 with a -26 point differential to our 4-1 / +22. So it looked like a mismatch, BUT thanks to the Tuesday game day, we were missing Justin, Josiah, Genevieve, Teri, Chunlang, Drew AND Amber. Sacre inconvenient!!! This left us with 2 subs on the guys side and none on the women's; poor Alex and Brenda had to play savage. I don't think Flow Rida was missing anyone of note, so it looked to be a more even playing field than the Nabity ratings (2 seed v. 16 seed, and Eric predicted a 12 point spread) would suggest.

And then the game started... they just turned it over A LOT. Blink and it was 4-0, blink again and it was 7-1. Everyone on our side really stepped up: Ned and Wade handled great, Alex (male) and Nathan played great D and cut well, Paul played great D and cut well, Pat commanded the center of the field per usual. And Brenda and Alex were just super solid - didn't get beat deep once that I can remember, and kept cutting and cutting all game long. We got Alex the disc at least twice, too, which was superb; she's still cutting a little bit all over the place but is starting to get the hang of things. And regardless is contributing big time on D; she got stuck on a fairly experienced woman all night and stayed close, even made some nice bids. Getting better, yeah.

At about 7-1 they converted to zone D which gave us a tad of trouble - our popping / deep game was out of sync, and their deeps kept cheating in and we couldn't scorch them to take advantage. Still, that said, we worked through their zone fairly efficiently and took half 8-3. They pulled it as close as 8-4, but we started dissecting their Z a bit for real after that and steadily pulled away to a 15-8 win.

In the middle there, I got a little brain dead and made some really, really bad throws. A bender to Ned on stall 9.5 just came in way too low; a forehand huck to pat just stuck in my hand badly and turned over straight out of bounds. I took way too long to get a scoober off to Paul and it got D'ed by their deep Alex, and I capped the craptitude with a worst-throw-ever, a backhand huck that slipped out of my hand and never came in, giving Flow the disc at our own endzone. Barf. Somewhere in there I also threw a scoober on stall 9 to Alex (f) that she just misread horrendously, so I won't take the blame for that (though it was my thrown turnover). So let's call it a god-awful four turnover night, most occurring in a four point stretch toward the end of the game. Ugh.

BUT - there is a pile of sugar atop that refuse heap. I cut deep for Wade, who threw me a very inaccurate outside in backhand that sailed from where I was on the field (left side of the endzone) to where I was decidedly not (out of bounds on the right). But I read it, kept running, tracked it down, jumped from inbounds, caught it in the air and greatest-ed it straight back over-my-head, beautifully crisply to Paul who was standing in the center of the endzone.

SCORE!!! Greatest for a SCORE!!!

So that was exciting. It's hard to track the usual stats, b/c I was on the field for all but two points of the game - Alex (male) has been having some asthma issues, so with only 1.5 subs I decided I could take the beating. But things get hazy when you have to run that much. As best as I can recall, 6/ 5 / 4 / 3, plus a GREATEST which we'll go ahead and give the x4 multiplier on that one thrown score for an extra 3 points. So that's +13 (even with the crappy feeling of all those turns) on the night, bringing me to 34 / 17 / 12 / 14 / 1 (the last column = GREATEST!!! WAHOO!!!) for 56 points on the season, a cool 9.33 fppg.

(Pats self on back, stares longingly into a silver lake at his own reflection, losing track of time and dying in the process).

So that's 5-1, +29 for The Royal WEfnuk, and we survived a week where we were missing a lot of our stellar cast. Stay tuned.

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