Saturday, December 13, 2008

Alright, Fine, Mike NTPB, You Win

Today's project from which I am currently taking a break is to clean up the house enough to take some photos and post them here and/or make it presentable enough to have people over at some point. Cleaning sucks, insert your favorite Hoover joke here. This is why we oppress the economically disadvantaged, forget to check their IDs and leave piles of cash for them to do that with rags and solvents which we would rather not. Unfortunately, Beck and I have too much political integrity not enough cash to partake in that particular dialectic, so we have to do it ourselves. Our house is notably less neat than others, but that's okay.

The only thing that makes it mildly tolerable is cranking up serious rock while you do it. In light of last night's comment from Trey's sidekick, I've put the entire G'n'R catalog on in chronological order. And we're just now wrapping up II, the album in question. Now, with the caveat that the version I have in my iTunes lacks the egregious tracks ("Don't Cry (Alt Lyrics)" and "My World"), I must say that I am finding myself more sympathetic. I can't really go around saying that I'm in love with ridiculous G'N'R grandeur and then get upset with them for cussing out Bob Guccione, Jr. from Spin in the middle of a song. You gotta eat the whole sandwich, as the expression goes. And this one has COOL RANCH DRESSING.

So Fine, Miguel, Don't Cry (Alt Lyrics). You Could Be right. We should resolve this Civilly and not end up Estranged. I Breakdown. I guess I'm just Pretty Tied Up about this. I'll go ahead and Use Your Illusion of Two missing tracks to bump it up to a 70. Are you happy? Now My World is the same as yours, and different from Yesterday's.

Hold on, someone's Knockin'.

I'm back. It was just some Loco motorist. Something about a Shotgun wedding, and he's Gettin' the Ring. Odd. I feel Perilously Complicit in something.

If I'm calculating this correctly - and I am - it's been at least 14 Years since I've used this joke.
Now playing: Guns N' Roses - You Could Be Mine

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