Saturday, December 27, 2008


In this metaphor, Grimmace is both my face and my shoulder; I am the consumed toddler. Shoulder is still hurting a lot though manageable; getting sharp pains right around the biceps tendon insert in front and back just under the acromion (for all you anatomy-heads out there). I am getting actively livid with this as it seems that all I could have possibly done was sleep on it funny. LOL, Enter. Anyways, I think I am just going to grimmace a lot and bear it; hopefully I just strained some tendons in the capsule with my sleeping antics and all will be okay in a couple of days. I'll keep you posted.

Before I forget, here's the classic video of G'N'R at the Ritz performing Knockin' on Heaven's Door. This will give you an idea of what Mike was aiming for. Incidentally, I really like the Slash solo here and the ridiculous "just the play the same high D flat over and over" ending. Imho, this version is better than the one that ended up on UYI II, - just a little less gospel choiry and appropriately subdued, if a little sloppily played - though the call and response is vastly more ridiculous. Let this one be LOUUUUUD!

Dan and Christina's (with Wren, Tim & Naia) was fun last night - great food (potato leek soup, salad, mashed potatoes and delicious roast beef, capped by Beck's mousse, raspberry sauce and whip cream) and great times. Naia is running around like a maniac these days. We taught her to fist bump on their way out, so shes now sufficiently hip (if Dan's indie rock playlist didn't do the trick before that). Anyhoo, another fun evening; today we're supposed to celebrate the opening of Phoenix's light rail by partying at Stinkweed's, so more D&C-based fun in store.

That's about it from here - I'll leave you with some ore G'N'R content because hey, that seems to be the kick these days, and I'll even give you some bonus points if you can name this song before it is revealed when the video runs out:

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