Friday, December 26, 2008


Beck made Christmas dinner last night - Scallop Chowder, Challah Bread, Broccolini, Mashed Potatoes, Fillet Mignon, and Chocolate Mousse. Ridiculous, so good. If the world runs out of sick animals, she has easy back-up option.

We're headed to D&C's tonight for another holiday dinner w/ Tim & Wren (and others?). All's I'm saying, Xtina, is that the holiday meal gauntlet has been thrown! Ha, Xtina is also a ridiculo-cook, so I am sure I will be stuffing my face again tonight.

Otherwise, just getting some misc work done at the homestead today - Beck is back at her regular work, campus is closed, so it's just me and the pups today.

The only news of late is that I seem to have torn my left shoulder apart, and I have no idea how. Just started getting a searing pain every time I abduct or externally rotate yesterday morning. It's definitely on the superior / slightly posterior part of the joint, so either supraspinatusy or deltoid would be my guess. It calms down if I keep my left arm dead still, but this is of course all but impossible to do. I jerked it getting into bed last night and basically didn't sleep. Fun times. Of course, the ASU health clinic is closed today, and as I am within 25 miles of campus I have to go there before doing anything else. It's not an emergency, and hopefully I just bizarrely tweaked something and didn't really tear it, but damn, it's giving me that nice nocinausea every time I move it the wrong way. Very frustrating, because I didn't actually do anything - I went running on Wednesday, but that's it, no other athletic endeavors, and there was no acute lifting Wrigley above my head incident or anything that would warrant this amount of pain. Maybe my warranty has run out. I'm about ready to give up.

I know that doesn't make for fascinating reading, but thats what's up. I will try to press through with a healthy diet of naproxen and ibuprofen. Some icing, too. Ah, well.

I'll try to make up for this with a more interesting post in a bit. Sorry.

Refined complaint: Extending and internal rotation . abduction causes maximal pain where the biceps tendon inserts. This is awesome. Not quite as awesome as reading detailed descriptions of it, though, I'm sure.

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