Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm Told the Eventual Downfall...

Caught this on NPR recently, and I must say that Neko Case is one charming lady (with a beautiful voice, taboot!). If you're unfamiliar with her solo work or The New Pornographers, well 1, you suck, and 2, get thee to a Waterloo Records.

Good news from the Ultimate front: we worked on zone D Tuesday (primarily the trap), and despite handling all practice AND handling a lot on the trapped side AND breaking the zone with breakmarks, scoobers and hammers, I had a whopping zero turnovers. WAHOO! That's even morer like it. Small victories, even if the D was griping that my upside down throws would not have worked in windier conditions. Fie on that sound, I say.

Went on a run this morning - ankles are still bugging me, so I stopped at the 2.5 mile mark when I had originally intended to go 3 to 3.3. Baby steps, though - this would be the rare instance of me exercising prudence w/r/t my running program. Beck is so proud. I took it a little slower than the other day because I was running early in the morning (I am a stiff-jointed old man), but I still managed a 19:15 or so pace, which is roughly 7:48 miles. Close enough for funk.

Finished the last bit of Re-Engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings and conquered quite a few articles yesterday. REPfLB, for a Phil of Sci book, was surprisingly accessible, which either means that I didn't get it or that I'm getting familiar enough with the terms / concepts / authors that I'm not getting as bogged down as I have been. Progress, or something easily mistaken for it. I refuse to believe that it had anything to do with the clarity of the writing, as there was an entire section on level organization and three dimensional system complexity graphs that... well, just trust that you understand exactly as much as I do about it from that one sentence description. Or not so much fail to understand as fail to see the point of. I think there's a middle ground that people are aiming for - don't want to be analytic, codified-in-logic-equation philosophy types, don't want to be Continental obscurantists - that they are not quite getting, and as a consequence you get dumbed down unanalytic generalized accounts that don't say much. That's not a knock on Wimsack, nor does it characterize the book fairly; I'm just noticing that the failures of both ends of the phil-writing spectrum are hard to eliminate when trying to write in some middle-grounded, useful and accessible way. We'll all press on, okay, alright already we'll all press on.

Busy day ahead - meeting w/ Jason, more reading, frisbee tonight (women's league is back on, though without team captain Joanne, who indeed suffered a torn ACL - poor lady), packing and then a seriously early departure for Rachacha and another iPReunion, the first I've managed to attend in a few years. Looking forward to it. And now, to work...

(Oh, and this has been on my radar for quite a while now... but I am starting to catch an idea that maybe I should do it, if just to break the string of philo books. It'll be a "read from the nightstand only type of thing. I'm three or four weeks behind, but I can catch that pretty quickly, I suspect. I'll keep you updated).

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