Friday, July 10, 2009

Update: Wrigley

It's110 degrees outside right now. Farenheit, natch, seeing as my skin is not boiling and melting off my face like I'd looked into the Ark of the Covenant or something. So the W.D., being the COMPLETE and UTTER MORON that she is, picked NOW to go SPRINTING across the yard and into the house and back into the yard and around the living room and crouch position on couch and bark bark bark rinse repeat. She's closing on nine years old at this point, but damn if she doesn't still get up the nerve and embody this every now and then:

Now's as good a time as any to repost my dogs' various aliases. The above would be

Wrigley, aka Wriggs, WTD, WD, Dubya-D, Dubs, Wrigglicious, Wigwee, Wigs, Wrigglinator, Wrigor-Mortis, Wriggle-Butt, Wriziggle, Wrigglesby, My Dog/Your Dog, *,**, Your Sister**, Piggley, Pigs, Pigface, Pig-leaf, Tweedles, Wriggery, Moron**, Goofball**, Idiot**, Other Dog**, Blondie, Barbie, The Good-Looking One

Throughout this adventure, Sparkle stood on high alert - if high alert consists of sleeping on two stacked dog beds. Behold, th eopposite of Parkles' alert status right now:

Sparkle, aka Sparks, Spah-Kull, Spackle, SD, STD, Parkle, Arkle, Farkle, Spizzarkle, Smokey, Sparklicious, Sparklehead, Speelarkle, My Dog/Your Dog, *,**, Your Sister**, Moron**, Goofball**, Idiot**, Other Dog**, The Muscle

* E.g., "Look at how cute My Dog is!" Interchangeable with "Your Dog," e.g., "Your Dog won't stop trying to eat off the counter; do something about it."

** - Applicable to both dogs, particularly in cases of "Where's Your Sister" or "Other Dog, come join Your Sister."

I may be reaching some sort of apex of lameness by blogging about my dogs. So it goes.

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