Some oldies but goodies from the Walnut days:
"Nyet is fun, his teaching is fun. He has a lot of math game."
"I was a goth, but I was a happy goth."
"You're like - Negative Minus."(A failed attempt at saying everything I touch turns to lead)
"Wait, hold on - is this word spellt right?"
"Alright, who can tell me who invented the Cartesian coordinate system?"
"Was it Darwin?"
"Ugh! This homework is too hard! It's making me... um, it's making me, just, sad."
"Well, there is no happiness without sadness. So really, I'm doing you a favor. "
"You're welcome."
"Why can't I just divide (1 - cos x) by (1 + cos x)? and just have the 1's and the cosines cancel?"
"Because that's wrong. It would be like saying 1-3 divided by 1+3 is 1. "
"It isn't?"
"Why no, no it isn't."
"Oh, I get it. Because if you could do that, then everything would be one."
"Yes. Only math stands between you and enlightenment."
Blank stare.
"I think that joke just went over your heads, bounced off the back wall and went over your heads again."
Other student: "No, I got it. I think I got it. It's like... wait. Did I get it?"
"But I don't want to stay and do homework. I want to leave early for lunch!"
"Desire is the root of all suffering."
"Oh... is that from the Bible?"
"Everybody came back from break looking all Mexican."
"Zero. No wait. Negative... zero. "
"I didn't do the homework last night. I had a late rehearsal. And I was really tired. And, um, I, um... my calculator wasn't working."
"You know what that sounds like?"
"Your problem."
Hmmm... perhaps I shouldn't be permitted to interact with the youth.
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