Friday, January 26, 2007

Crocodile on my feet...

Fox fur on Sparkle's back?!?!?! What? No. She didn't. No. No...

Behold the Beauty

Sparkle, how could you let this happen? What will the neighbors think?

Straight Pimpin'

That's right, that irritating stench of the apocalypse is coming from Grafton, MA, because The Beck has finally won out and dressed our dog, our tough-as-nails hamster-killing straight-up vicious dog, in a froofy little fur-lined coat. Beck alleges that she finally came to this decision because Sparkle "was shivering so much that her teeth were chattering." Hmmm... dubious. I don't think that claim would withstand polygraph testing, but silly me here in New England without my trusty skin potential detector. So yes, I give up; Sparkle is now dressed up in a coat, despite the fact that she has a very free fur coat on her back at all times. A coat which has a tendency to leave remnants of itself all over the apartment - hopefully, the new coat won't meet a similar fate.

Come to think of it, Sparkle may actually be able to pull off that gangster chic. I mean, Big Boi did it...

So it's not like the goofy poofy gangsta look is unprecedented. Let's give Sparkle the benefit of the doubt and guess that she'll manage to maintain her street cred despite Beck's better efforts. These are sad, sad times...

By the way, Sparkle has not suddenly donned white eyes; that's the reflection on the flash off of her tapetum lucidum. Groovy, eh?

(Actually, in The Beck's defense, it was 8 degrees with a windchill of negative 12 here today. And that was the HIGH. So if there have been any days during our fair stay in the northeast where Sparkle needed a jacket, these have probably been they).

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