Thursday, January 4, 2007

Trey it ain't so...

But really, you knew damn well it was so. Hiatus = failed rehab? You betcha.

So that's mildly depressing, but perhaps explains the 8.15.04 debacle. If you don't know, that was the date of Phish's last show (which I listened to via streaming radio out of Vermont), and "caterwaulingly discordant" doesn't even quite describe how sloppy / bad it was. One of the few times I've been pretty embarrassed by / for them. But since Trey was on the smack, I suppose all is forgiven. All of this is more or less a wash, as it sounds like Trey will just be sentenced to a rehab program, which apparently has been necessary for some time now. I mean, fish market stew, police in the corner, coming for you? Drug use, who knew?!?

In less drug-addled news, I thought I'd throw some links up here today...

13 photographs that changed the world
No Iwo-Jima - but guess which one is sitting as my desktop now?

A serious collection of music videos
Vital for all kinds of unearned nostalgia...

A lot of free games
Like seriously. A lot.

Princeton's Art of Science, 2006
Some seriously cool stuff there.

That's about it. Here's to a grand Thursday night!

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