Whatever happened to Saturday Night!?!? Sunday morning.
Despite having gone to bed at approximately 4:45, my habitual 5:30 wake up time jolted me out of bed at about 9:00. That makes sense, I promise. The rest of the hotel room was comatose, so I thought briefly about going for a swim in the heated hotel pool - Beck had packed me a change of clothes, but no shorts / trunks, so this was a no go. I thought I'd walk down to Olympia Sports to buy some shorts so i could swim - but no dice there, as stores tend to not open until 11 on Sundays around these parts. D'oh. So i went to McDonald's instead and had a wakeup diet coke.
I lumbered back to the hotel at about 10:45 to find everyone still asleep... eventually Dan and Christina greeted the day, and we assembled the whole hotel-staying posse, Mike-Karen-Aaron-Dan-Christina-Beck-Nyet, down to the lobby to get a move on. We were very low on actual brunch options, what with the one car Beck had kidnapped me with the night before, so we walked over to the 99 diner and had a rawkous meal on Mike. Seems those Junta royalties are still rolling in...
SO I took Aaron to the Alewife T to go see his SLF2B-mayB in NYC. This from the guy who couldn't take Monday off to hang in Boston. To each his or her own. I then headed back to the best western to grab BeckarunDMC and take them to Alewife - we piled, the six of us, into the honda civic, which it turns out has an absolute maximum density of 6 per civ. Then redlined it to Park St. and walked around Boston in the freezing cold, eventually settling on heading over to the Prudential for a look at the Boston skyline as seen from above. It was fun just touristing and hanging out, thought I felt bad for Dan and X - they seemed zonked from their flight / festivities. Or maybe they were fully alive and normal and just seemed quiet compared to Mike / Karen. Possible - just kidding, D.C.
It was fun gabbing with Mike all day - we made an entire subway ride back to Alewife go by much more quickly by arguing over whether Lost was a brilliantly intricate and well planned out show or a quintessential example of the low-effort, carpet-bombing / kitchen sink postmodern aesthetic. Most of this came up because I nonchalantly said that the show had painted itself into a corner, meaning that it had become so overly detailed and multifaceted that they would have to keep the same frenetic pace up and it was going to be more than people could take - Mike thought I had meant the more traditional and correct application of "painting into a corner" as they were stuck and had nowhere to go. I guess I meant they were stuck in that they were so completely unstuck, and things were starting to feel arbitrary and meaningless in their screams of "I'm meaningful." I think this is what I am going to get my eventual PhD in and write a book about: Stuck in the Unstuck. We'll see.
With all the high comedy that passed the day before, the probable apex of my comedy stylings came Sunday when we were riding down the escalator. A ten year old or so girl skipped by on the floor above us and waved, saying "Hello, people below me." I just replied, "That's awfully presumptuous."
Humor involving kids as the unknowing target is among my favorite types. See my long involved discussion with William and his robot toy Kilgore and how his plan to conquer the solar system would surely fail because of the complexity of maintaining an interplanetary supply line while maintaining defense of the home planet. He kept saying "and then we'll attack Saturn" and I kept asking where he was going to get his soldier's rations, who was going to figure out the taxes on their pay rate given the much longer Saturn days. This also ties nicely to the time that I tried to ruin harry Potter for some kids by telling them that in the seventh book he becomes Voldemort's CPA. More evidence that I should not be educating our collective future. Oh, well.
So we drove back to Grafton and stopped at Target to pick up an air mattress so MK wouldn't have to find a hotel. We were just going to hang out and eat some spaghetti when ben called, and I conspired to have The Grin and PGoat join the fray. AWESOME! It was a fun time - poor DC were still tired, but we put on some good tunes and let them chill. The collision of Mike & Ali (and to a lesser degree, Karen) was a spectacle - the domination of conversation was constantly up for grabs, though I think Ali brought down the house with her Playboy mansion tales and her expert Peri-analysis. The whole thing made me wonder what would happen in a Mike v. Ali v. Jerrel v. Brett conversation death match, "there can be only one" style event. I daresay that Pay-per-View would come knocking.
I played my usual game of peppering the evening air with well-placed quips; I even aped Jamie Foxx a little bit and played the role of Ben's party conscience. Cheap, but hilarious. The whole thing was just great - lots of good friends all in the same place. Props to everyone involved.
GrinGOAT eventually headed home and DC went to sleep (only to wake up at 3 AM to catch their 6 AM flight, egads) and Mike and Karen slept in the study. Did I mention that Karen and Mike fawned over S & W all weekend long? Sparkle actually got up at one point and said "Seriously guys, even I have a belly rub limit." We of course replied "OMG, a talking dog."
So when we woke up Monday, DC were gone, and Mike Karen Beck and I just spent the morning hanging out. Mike & I played a serious run of NBA Live 2003 games with both he and I playing as ourselves on the San Antonio Spurs. We sucked it up rather badly, but eventually got it together. Fun times, and a sweet hearkening to Saturday morning video gaming at Metroid, Kid Icarus and the like.
Darn that eggplant...
We took Mike and Karen back to the airport around 3 for their 4 o'clock flight. Great visit, great weekend. But it wasn't over... NEXT POST!
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