Sunday, February 25, 2007

So don't yell Help Help - it's the South Street Brunch

I'm going to have start carrying a tape recorder everywhere I go. The conversations I find myself in are just that funny. Because I just got threatedned by a descendant of Isaac Searl, i will now recall some of them from brunch yesterday:

1. The first was some comment about how I'm always hilarious, and how does beck handle it. Beck inserts her usual eye-rolling "it's like Christmas every day" comment in here. I comment on how horrible that would be, if Christmas were so blase that we treated it more like a secular holiday instead of a sacred event.

2. Margie confessed her agony over her will. I pointed out how sneaky she had been in steering the conversation that way, idly chatting through brunch, waiting for her moment to pounce: I think her segue went something like "I wonder how much this omelet weighs? Speaking of ways, by which I mean that thing there is when there is a will, I was just thinking about wills." The agony is that several of the legal powers that be will not let you split a will three ways because of the apparent insanity that ensues when you have to divide a number by three. So Margie has decided to give Meghan 34 and the other two children 33 percent. In an instant of pure encapsulated character betrayal, Meghan says "oh, that'd be sad if you died," and Beck said, "But that's not fair." Many suggestions were thrown out, none accepted. Beck dubiously suggested having another child to make it all come out even, but this would drop her percent from 33 to 25 percent. We learned a lot about Beck's poker strategy from that suggestion.

3. We talked about the unreliability of memory. (Wait for it... wait for it...). I think.

4. We finished up with a vivacious discussion on the ATHF signs, the generational gap, guerrilla marketing, and the culpability of the people involved in the whole instant. I think I threw down the weirdest metaphor, that the ATHF guys had merely shouted BANANA in a crowded theater and the Boston PTB said "Surely he meant fire?"

Also, I had a bacon-cheese omelet and a side of French Toast, and it was awesome.

Flash forward...

Last night we went to watch the Oscars with Ben & Ali - the quick review is that watching the red carpet show is like plucking the hairs off your soul with a tweezer, one by one. Ellen Degeneres was a great host - she somehow manages to toe that line between funny and horrendously cheesy. I don't get it, but she was damn cute / funny. The following musical number was funny:

And the rest of it was a lot of the same old stupid stuff. The company of Ben-ALi and the food / dessert was MUCH better. And besides, I came home to the computer and someone had sent me this:

And btw, the title of this post is a clear homage to The Hair Bear Bunch.

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