Friday, March 16, 2007

Gettin' the Band Back Together...

After another weddingful day yesterday - Beck and I rented tuxes, tried shoes, looked at rings, etc. - I came home and started to watch the basketball games when Ali called - her hubby The Grin (TM) was at a work-related dinner function and the Beck was down in Walpole at the ER clinic, , so we went out and grabbed dinner and a couple of terrible margaritas at Cancun's, the classy joint up the street. Good times!

On a whim I brought my guitar to Ali's, and there was a great deal of Rawkin' Out. Booyeah! Fun times, definitely something we should do something more often. I'll let the setlist speak for itself:

Nyet & the PGoat
Providence Rd. Pavilion (aka Ali/Ben's abode) - Grafton, MA

Dust in the Wind*, American Pie, Landslide*, Unidentified Campfire Song**, Uncle John's Band, Ripple, Misc Led Zep Medley***, Ali Learns Barre Chords^ -> Strong Enough, Blowin' in the Wind -> Me and Bobby McGee^^

* - Fingerpicked intros by Ali
** - Something about not wanting to work in a field; Nyet can't remember
*** - Ali on the phone with Ben, Nyet noodling
^ - First time played; original avant garde composition w/ squeaks and unsounded notes
^^ - Super rambunctious wake-up-the-neighbors version complete with La-di-da outro

ABout this time Ben came home and was feeling migrainey so we put the guitars away and just hung out for a bit. OoOFGC (one of our favorite Grafton couples) (not to be confused with Sarah & Christophe, aka OOFGC (our other favorite Grafton couple)) is doing quite well, aside from the aforementioned migraines. before I left for home (and watched a slew of generally uninteresting and sloppy college basketball), they showed me this pair of youtube clips which I will now pass on to you to echo mercilessly in your skull:

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