Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Scapular Calvinism

(Prequel - Here's a shoutout to K, who couldn't remember what the Postal Service song sounded like. Here it is in youtube form, though I make no claims as to the relative awesomeness of the videos. The first is the Postal Service original, the second is some random video set to Iron & Wine's version which was featured in the Garden State soundtrack) (though reportedly iron & wine will not, like, sooooo change your life)

Hey world - still recovering from what I presume to be a Margie-dealt cold here in the cold, windy, Beckless wonderland. I ended up skipping out on the inservice on Monday with my craptastic feelings, judging that the Nut would be better served by my absence than my coughing presence at the collection of gabbing circles.

But that didn't stop me from trekking over to Ali and Ben the Zygomatic Grin's place last night for a yummy spaghetti dinner. Fun times - hung out, shared stories, and heard about Ben & Ali's new very strange business, something about selling numbered cashews that are stored in weaponry, or what they have tentatively named "Digits / Nuts in the Arse-nal." Don't worry, I don't get it either.

NEhoo, I greatly appreciated being rescued from my lonely abode for a nice dinner with friends - we even followed it up with hot chocolate and an episode of South Park. Sweetness!

Beck has completed 2/10 interviews on her Southwestern Vet Tour and everything's gone reasonably well so far (with the possible exception of minor details). She's also had fun staying with Aaron at the Home of the Cricket & Wet-Floored Curtainless Bathroom. He has reportedly moved on from 24 to Numbers, and the quick among you will not that he just moved from the singular to the plural. (Urge to tell joke is gigantic right here; I refrain out of love and or fear of consequence).

Class went okay this morning, though thanks to some monstrously picky peeing by the Ess-dog this morning I was 10 minutes late. The students did not cry. They have a long overdue presentation tomorrow; we'll see how that works out. In other Nut News, one of my advisees got into Cal Arts which is seventeen kinds of awesome - very pumped for him.

After a long day of tutoring and such, I came home and got a call from Liz who inspired me to, perhaps for the first and only time, take advantage of one of the shower gifts Beck received. I made Liz's 20 minute brownie sludge - WAHOO! - and it was awesome. Great way to spend an evening. Highly recommended.

I have also gotten massive amounts of wedding stuff done today. I rock! I also ran 3+ miles yesterday and 4+ today - I double rock. I'm also just a few short pages away from finishing White Noise - I triple stone from the Sun!

I have also found the dream room for my future abode - if anyone is wondering what I might have registered for, this is it.

And now, miscellaneously cool links:

Plasma Pong
Wowsers. Too sweet for verds.

Sweet chain reaction game.

How Police Interrogation Works
Oddly interesting article from howstuffworks, which is incidentally a sweet site.

Ariel Santos
Cool feature on a bud of mine from the Tufts Ultimate team

Curt Schilling's Blog (or perhaps you'd prefer Gilbert Arenas's?)
The future is now.

Say it ain't O-prah
Absolute Power does something.

A Dramatic Reading of an Ill-Written Breakup Note

And finally - you've been waiting your entire life for this one - A SKIING OSTRICH!!!!

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