BIG, GARGANTUAN congrats to the PGoat, who matched with her top choice internship today!!! Yeah, ALI!!!! (Um, it's Match Day in case you aren't intimately tapped into to the All-Things-Vet radio network).
This of course only confirms my thoughts from yesterday's phone convo with The Wolf, which went something like this:
Ali: I'm nervous about Match Day.
Nyet: Shut up, and stop being stupid.
Alright then! No, seriously, we all had muchas belief* that Ali would be able to go wherever she damn well pleased and that the internship would be lucky to have her. And so while this is not-at-all surprising, I am still pumped for Ali's latest in a long line of achievements.
* - Note that I did not say "faith," that being belief without evidence. We've had ample evidence that Ali rules, not to mention the fact that simply putting "Nickname = PGoat" at the top of the application probably got both feet in the door anyways. I kid, I kid!
Otherwise, slow day in South Giraffetown. I am waiting for the electric man (Iiiiii'm... waitin' for my maaaayyinn**) to come so I can show him that our electric meters are backwards - why I need to be here for that is beyond me, but I do, so I'm hanging out in the casa all afternoon, had to move my tutoring around and everything. Did I mention I'm on Spring Break? Well I am. Probably the first spring break to feature avant jazz as its soundtrack as well as S & W running around like maniacs being the only thing approaching "gone wild" status. Oh, for the yesterdays of youth...
** - That's a Velvet Underground song for the uninitiated. And the title of this post references a rather famous occurrence on the Ed Sullivan Show, though doubles nicely in that Ali's day couldn't get much better (or higher, for that matter, what with the drug testing and all). AND in the general theme of Doors references, I threw down a fantastic one in a post the other day that Ali dutifully caught because she rules. In case you haven't noticed, the theme of this post is "kiss up to Ali."
NEhoo, I as usual find myself torn at what to do among the myriad possibilities. I started a movie called Suture last night that features President Palmer and is very cool thus far. I have a guitar and 5000 songs to learn that are staring me down. I have writing to do. I have books to read. I need to think about fantasy baseball (and I anticipate a hearty debate on the meaning of the word "need" coming from the general direction of Beck's head). I have music to listen to. I downloaded a computer version of the game "Go" which I have always wanted to learn how to play. I have music reviews to write. A keyboard that I have touched not nearly enough. Painting to do. And before any of this I gotta clean up a little... AAAAYYYEHEDNknsd;flkjgs';lbs';mtpojspthojs,.vmb;s'rtog...
In short, no shortage. Why am I typing here? I leave you with a cool (though somewhat disturbing) image, less for your benefit and more so I can delete it from my desktop...
And what the hey, a couple more for fun...
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