Friday, March 9, 2007

Just slide, glide, slippity-slide

Getting ready for our FANTASTIC VOYAGE along Route 90 to Rochacha. But first, an exchange from this morning: the Beck left for the gym, then came home about four minutes later. Seems she had forgotten to get dressed and wore her pajamas to the gym. Awesome. So when she went to leave the second time, I gave her a hug and a once over to make sure she was ready to go to school, and she did appreciate it. What did she say?

"Talk to the rainbow hand."

Incredible, just incredible. So anyways, we're packing up, feeding the dogs early in the morning and waiting for my parents to arrive so we can hit ye olde roade. My parents got in fine last night and stopped by the casa for an excellent Beck-cooked dinner. Photographic evidence:

So that's about it - get ready, Western Mass / Eastern NY, for the South Giraffetown Caravan. We come six in tow. And if you try to stand in our way, here is an approximation of what the wrath of Beck looks like in bird-form:

Egads!!! Okay, that's way too harsh of a way to end a post. Here's a beautiful African sunset to send you on your way:

Sweet, eh? By the way, I'm slowly learning to play Go and I highly recommend it. I also owe the blogverse a review of Suture, which was quite excellent. Other than that, it's time to hit the road and rock out. The next Nyetian entry will be from (gasp!) Rochester and (double gasp!!) from a Mac! I will slightly grow my hair out and adopt a smart-ass attitude accordingly:

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